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Friday, February 25, 2011

Sarah and Robbie's "save-the-date"

Ten years ago if you'd told me I'd be doing wedding announcement photos by having my bride and groom jump into a lake...no way.

We're doing more and more of this kind of stuff in the studio--or outside the studio, as in this case--and I love it. The digital files created can be used for all types of things, such as this save-the-date, which I designed and did the layout for Sarah.

In case you didn't notice: These are two beautiful kids. I think Robbie has a real "Tarzan" look when he's wet, and Sarah is, of course, a stunner. Can't wait to shoot their wedding. I'll post some of those pics when I do.

The overall "jump" shot, Joanne took that one. I was shooting the couple jumping as they came straight at me. Joanne's "side" view worked better for the layout. I captured the water level view by nearly breaking my back laying with camera--yes--at water level, shooting with my Nikon D3 and Nikkor 80-200mm f2.8.

The shoot was done in late fall. Sarah recently mailed the "save-the-dates." I didn't want to post pics before Sarah got the exclusive with her mailings.

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